Thursday, August 4, 2016

Spineless Christine Jones

Christine Jones has been baptized by conservative fire. Amazing what a Republican primary does to candidates.

It's "conservative this" and "outsider that" all day long for Christine Jones. She's the anti-politician who will stand up for the people - because she says so - and because her money backs her up. She'll fight from the time she gets out of bed until the time that she goes to bed - if she will even sleep at all.

But who was Christine Jones before she started running for office?

Not a conservative. Not a fighter. Not an outsider.

Look at this tweet from 2009 from Jones' account:

Jones' money allows her to talk a good game, but the reality of her candidacy is that she's a spineless, self-promoter who is only in this arena to serve herself. This tweet should tell the conservatives of Arizona's Fifth Congressional District all they need to know about Christine Jones.

She's not one of you, and she won't fight for you.

Wake up, CD 5!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Christine Jones is a Pro-Life Phony

According to one of Arizona's most fiercest defenders of life, Christine Jones is a danger when it comes to the sanctity of life.

Christine Accurso, a pro-life champion and tireless activist, recently had this to say on Facebook about the race to replace Congressman Matt Salmon in the U.S. House of Representatives:

Christine Jones is no Pro-Life Champion
Each and every life should be protected, honored, cherished and given the opportunity to blossom. Protecting life is a fundamental, non-negotiable issue.
I have spent 20 years working in the pro-life movement. From advocating in the halls of US Congress to serving impoverished women in south Phoenix with unexpected pregnancies that are on the verge of choosing abortion, I've seen all sides of this fight to protect life.
Every election year we hear candidates claim pro-life values, especially in the East Valley. But it's one thing to be a voice for life, it's another thing to put those words into action. 
In Congressional District Five, Andy Biggs is a champion for life. He has truly earned his 100% pro-life voting record. I have witnessed him support good non-profits that fight to preserve the dignity of human life and provide alternatives to abortion. He has held Planned Parenthood accountable to the same regulations as any other health center. He has sponsored and voted for numerous pro-life bills. I have stood on the side walk in front of an abortion clinic with him and his wife, as we have prayed and rallied for the end of abortion. Andy Biggs is a true pro-lifer.
Christine Jones, on the other hand, does not have a pro-life record, although she proclaims to be. When asked, her campaign could not come up with one single shred of evidence in the past 43 years to attest to her pro-life belief. This has been a serious problem for four decades and she has absolutely nothing to show for it. She says she is pro-life but it's not until she decides to run for office that she has decided to take up this banner. The pro-life movement would be right to be skeptical. 
Andy Biggs is pro-life both professionally and personally, using his time, talent and treasure to protect the unborn. Not just during election years, but each day of his life.
The fight to protect life is too important to send an unproven candidate to DC. That's why I'm putting my trust in Andy Biggs.
Christine Accurso
Gilbert, Arizona
Take it from someone who knows and has fought for this issue more than just about anyone - Christine Jones is no good for Arizona's Fifth Congressional District. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

CD 5 PC Mike Webb tells all about Christine Jones

A precinct committeeman in Arizona's Fifth Congressional District just sent an explosive email around. Per the salutation, it is believed to be sent to fellow PC's in Congressional District 5. 
The email, which was titled "Nine reasons to send Christine Jones back to CD-9," lays out the most-extensive case to this date against the CD 5 candidacy of Christine Jones.

Read the email (copied and pasted below):
Fellow PC’s,
As many of you know, Christine Jones is spending over a million dollars of her own money trying to buy a seat in Congress to represent us in CD 5, even though she lives in the Phoenix Biltmore! As if this wasn’t bad enough, she is now attacking a strong conservative like Andy Biggs, telling lies about his record and calling him a liberal Republican. 
Enough is enough! I am one Republican who will not let Christine Jones and her team continue to lie, distort and buy OUR congressional seat without exposing the truth about her record! Many constituents aren’t even aware that she doesn’t live in our district and can’t even vote for herself! 
Here are 9 reasons that we should send Christine Jones back to CD 9 where she lives! Read them carefully so you can learn the real truth about Christine Jones. Every one of them can be sourced by clicking on the blue hyperlinks. 
If you care about ensuring our next Congressman is a conservative from OUR district, and not a political insider who is trying to buy a congressional seat in a district she doesn’t even live in, please forward this email to your friends and family that live in our district.
Ask them to share with their networks and VOTE NO on Christine Jones!
Let’s spread the word!
God bless,
Mike Webb
9 Reasons to Send Christine Jones Back to CD 9…..Where She Lives.
Jones has an expensive hobby. It’s called “running for elected office.” First, she spends almost $6 million of her own money to come in 3rd place in the 2014 Republican primary for Governor. Then, she flirts with the idea of running for Mayor of Phoenix. Then, merely 6 months before launching her campaign in Congressional District 5, she turns down the opportunity to beat Democrat Kyrsten Sinema in her home district and tells the Arizona Republic"’Although (the 9th District) appears eminently winnable, pursuing a seat in Congress at this time is not the highest and best use of my time," Jones said, noting she would be open to looking at the seat again in the future or another office.’”
Jones once said the “evidence of Global Warming will continue to mount.” With statements like these, I am pretty sure the evidence will also continue to mount that Jones is anything but a conservative.
$19 trillion in national debt and rising. Obamacare here to stay. Open-border policies expanded. Iran Nuclear Agreement. The failure to defeat ISIS. Overreach by executive branch and complete disregard for constitutional roles of government.
Christine Jones likes to pretend she is a Washington outsider. But all one has to do is look at to find dozens of records of personal donations totaling over $200,000 to Establishment Republicans, Democrats, and other political committees. Oh, and did we mention she was also a lobbyist? Pretty sure that is the exact opposite of an “outsider.” More like another typical insider who knows how to play the Washington game. 
Christine Jones made millions being a Go Daddy lawyer and lobbyist. There is no denying or disputing that. But it looks like some of her resume might be fiction. At least that part about her representing the Los Angeles District Attorney Office as a “prosecutor.” Not sure the title of “law clerk” (which is the title Jones had at the time) is the equivalent. If Christine Jones can’t tell the truth before Congress, how can we expect her to tell the truth in Congress?
Republicans have been running from Hillary Clinton since she started rising in national prominence in the 1990s. Christine Jones missed those memos, or she simply didn’t care about the dangerous precedent that the corrupt Clinton machine has wrought upon the country for over two decades. On her blog (and since deleted), Jones praised and complimented Hillary Clinton on a number of occasions – even after the horrific occurrences at the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi. As our party prepares to take down the Clinton machine for possibly the last time, we must not allow a Clinton ally to enter the U.S. Congress when we may need all hands on deck to oppose Hillary and her liberal ideologies.
Americans take pride in honoring our veterans. It is both shocking and insulting for someone to insinuate to have served in the military when that hasn’t been the case. Such a claim waters down the sacrifices and struggles of those who have served to give us the freedoms we enjoy today. Christine Jones previously attempted to score political points by falsely claiming to be in the U.S. Air Force, and that should automatically disqualify her from any elected office.
Shouldn’t our next Representative live in the East Valley? Or maybe have some roots to the East Valley at the very least? (Christine Jones doesn’t even attend church in the district.) Christine Jones can’t even vote for herself on the ballot! So let’s make sure we don’t vote for her to represent Congressional District 5.
Map showing her home is out of our district. 
 Christine Jones home in the Biltmore area.