Friday, July 29, 2016

Christine Jones Supports....Porn?

Christine Jones is running in Arizona's Fifth Congressional District, attempting to project herself as a conservative outsider who is 100% in line with the values of the district.

But is she?

Before Christine Jones pulled the trigger on running for office for the 2014 election, her online writings gave herself away to present-day observers.

In a 2012 tweet, Christine Jones thumbed her nose at the efforts of Rick Santorum to outlaw internet pornography.

Pornography wrecks the lives of men, women, children, and families. Under no circumstance should any value-minded individual support internet porn.

But Christine Jones isn't very value-minded.

Is this the person we want as our next Congresswoman in Arizona's Fifth Congressional District????

"Pristine Bones" for Congress!

The case against Christine Jones can be made, in part, by a member of her campaign team this time around.

Last cycle, when Jones was running in the Gubernatorial primary, freelance blogger Shane Wikfors took to social media on several occasions to expose Jones' hypocrisies and liberal tendencies.

Wikfors' blog - Sonoran Alliance, which has largely been a public forum for conservatives to post op-eds and press releases - was full of posts shedding unflattering lights on just who Christine Jones really was.

Two years later, the blog has been scrubbed of any anti-Jones material, and Wikfors defends Jones with every breath of his body.

What changed?

Maybe money means more to Wikfors than the principle of standing against someone who, in 2014, was a threat to conservatism and to Arizona. The latest FEC reports from Christine Jones; campaign show that Wikfors' firm (Red Mountain Consulting & Development) was paid $3,000 by the Jones' campaign.

Wikfors probably views this opportunity as a chance to climb the ladder - possibly even eying a staff position in Christine Jones' AZ-05 office if she were to win the election.

But with comments like those below - comments that were made by a man who wasn't paid at the time to write, but that came from the heart - Christine Jones can't be too happy about him being on her payroll. She more than likely just views Wikfors as a loudmouth bullhorn that can fill social media for the time-being with pro-Jones posts. After the election, Jones is likely to drop Wikfors as fast as he once called her "Pristine Bones" and a "poser."

Jones is trying very hard to run on a platform of being a Washington outsider. The truth is that she's not an outsider and a look at who's on her payroll helps to prove just that. Shane Wikfors has proved to be the ultimate insider by running from his principles as soon as money came calling. He should know better than to work for a candidate like Christine Jones.

He once did know better - and his 2014 comments prove just that. Let Traitor Shane know what you think of his convenient switch to the dark side. He's very easy to find on social media these days.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Christine Jones Runs....Away from Hillary Clinton

Christine Jones runs marathons.....away from her previous admiration for the one and only Hillary Clinton.

As the Arizona primary election nears its sunset and early ballots await their release into mailboxes all around the state, one race in particular has stood out for its competitiveness - the race to replace Congressman Matt Salmon in Arizona's Fifth Congressional District.

For all intents and purposes, the race is coming down to two individuals - the stalwart conservative Andy Biggs versus the carpetbagging liberal (in a moderate's political body) Christine Jones. Jones would probably be more comfortable running in her own district (or as a Democrat), but she'd rather do her part to destroy the party and the values that many within the Republican Party hold to on a daily basis. This makes her extremely dangerous - not only for District Five - but for Arizona and for the country as a whole.

Jones' has exposed herself on a number of occasions, but one set of occurrences continue to stand out in 2016 - just as it did when she ran for Governor in 2014: her love and admiration for Hillary Clinton's leadership.

Though Jones' has attempted to insulate herself from her previous expressions of admiration for Hillary Clinton, all of her money has not been able to help her shake the truth.

Today, Christine Jones and her team decided to take one last, drawn-out, excruciating stab at making her Hillary Clinton support go away. Their attempt was quite cute, titled "Just Say No To Hillary Clinton" and wrapped up with dogmatic statements such as the following

- "I'm going to lay out the reasons why Hillary is the most corrupt insider in Washington"; 

- "I'll say what Hillary did was outright illegal."

- "Hillary may be dangerous..."

- "Is this the type of reckless and callous behavior we really want from our next President and Commander-in-Chief? Absolutely not!"

- "No other career politician has gotten away with more than Hillary Clinton"

- "Let's spread the truth about Hillary"

(NO - first let's spread the truth about Christine Jones.)

Christine Jones went above and beyond to make her appreciation and admiration of Hillary Clinton well known in the years before she started running for political office.

- "Americans, regardless of party affiliation or political involvement, will begin to realize what an effective Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was." - Christine Jones

- "She has made her boss and her party look good with her tireless efforts to represent the US abroad for the past four years." - Christine Jones

- "Secretary Hillary Clinton will become even more powerful and well-respected as she negotiates for America overseas." - Christine Jones

- "The (Obama-Clinton) ticket that is unstoppable. The combination of experience and charisma that is only found in John Grisham novels and cheesy television dramas. The one-two punch that makes the republicans shudder in their we-are-not-the-third-term-of-Bush boots." - Christine Jones

- "She (Hillary Clinton) developed her skill on par with her talent and gave 100% to the goal she set so many years ago. And, for that level of commitment and drive, we here at The Rudy Syndrome salute her." - Christine Jones

(There's more where this came from.)

Hillary Clinton has made the world a more-dangerous place for Americans and our allies. She has lied and covered up her tracks in so many places that it is absolutely impossible to determine where the truth starts and begins when it comes to her.

No Republican should be caught anywhere near praising Hillary Clinton.

And yet, there went Christine Jones - multiple times - even through the enormous pitfalls and foreign policy blunders committed by then-Secretary of State Clinton. Instead of using her blog to hold Mrs. Clinton accountable for her actions, Christine Jones lavished praise and admiration over Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton can't be trusted. Neither can Christine Jones. Christine Jones must never, ever be allowed to carry the standard for Republicans in Arizona - nor anywhere in the country.

Our future - and the futures of our children - are far too precious for us to take a chance with Christine Jones.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

CD 5 Voters Saying "NO" to Christine Jones!

Instead of running in Arizona's Ninth Congressional District against Kyrsten Sinema, career-politician Christine Jones took what she believed to be the easy way out and ran in Arizona's Fifth Congressional District to replace retiring-Congressman Matt Salmon. Jones could have done the Arizona Republican Party a major service in taking on Sinema, giving her a run for her money in the General Election and also draining her cash on hand in anticipation of her 2018 U.S. Senate run. Christine Jones, however, has never been a proponent of doing the honorable, principled thing - thus her carpetbagging campaign in Congressional District 5.

Though Christine Jones attempts to convince voters of her ties to the district (she goes to church and her husband has taught school nearby in District 9), she simply has none. This is extremely problematic for her carpetbagging candidacy the more these voters are awakened to the fact that she does not live amongst them.

One such voter in Gilbert, Mike Webb, recently blasted Jones for her extraordinary carpetbagging skills on social media, and the post went viral amongst interested parties inside of the district. Read the post for yourself!

I wonder if some of you realize that Christine Jones who is running for Congress here in CD 5 does not even live in our district. She is claiming to be the "grassroots" candidate when here roots aren't even here in our district where we live. How is it that she can represent us from her home in another district? 
I'd also like to know why members of our town council are supporting and campaigning for someone from outside our district. You can go to her Christine Jones for Congress page and see all kinds of references to Gilbert and other areas in CD 5, along with a thank you to Mayor Lewis for serving, references to residents and events here in Gilbert, she even has the Gilbert water tower as her Facebook header, etc.... But all of it is fake and designed to make it appear that she is one of us and will represent us well. It's all a marketing ploy to get your vote. I haven't seen her mention, on her own, that she doesn't live in our district. I've been in marketing for years now and I know what they're up to. I'm not buying it and I hope you don't either. 
Maybe she decided to run her in our district because she would have lost in her own district. She was looking at a run for congress in her own CD 9 against Kyrsten Sinema but decided against it and said “Although (the 9th District) appears eminently winnable, pursuing a seat in Congress at this time is not the highest and best use of my time.” So to me it really looks like she is just looking for a place to run where she thinks she can win. I don't think it's about representing the people of the district. 
Don't fall for it!
Jones' is attempting to buy this seat from under the noses of voters who have little clue who she is or can comprehend the values that she holds to in her life, proving that she cares more about her future and her power than she does about the voters she claims to want to represent. Like Mike Webb, more Congressional 5 voters are thankfully educating themselves about Christine Jones' background and coming to the conclusion that they would rather someone who lives in their district and who adheres to their values.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Christine Jones Hearts Hillary Clinton

It’s not just conservatives riled up these days about Hillary Clinton. Americans from every party and walk of life are incensed that the former Secretary of State got let off the hook by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for her wide array of email scandals at the Department of State. Anyone else would have been in jail for a fraction of what Hillary got away with.

Must be great to be a Clinton. A new generation of Americans were introduced to the corruption of the Clinton machine, while the old guard of Americans were reminded about how a Clinton in the White House during the 90s brought great shame and humiliation to the office of the President of the United States.

Though the post-Hillary Clinton SOS tenure has garnered the most attention and headlines, her time as Secretary of State was no picnic either. In fact, Hillary Clinton failed her department and her country on a number of occasions with her execution (or lack thereof) of policies from the administration and from her nearsighted, myopic, and ideological view of the world.

While Hillary was playing with mountains and mountains of failure, a wannabe politician named Christine Jones was inexplicably admiring her every move. On her blog, Jones once predicted that “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will continue to stand out as a capable and respected leader…”

Let that one sink in….

She then rated her prediction as “True” a year later, writing, “She has made her boss and her party look good with her tireless efforts to represent the U.S. abroad for the past four years. She will be a formidable force in the coming years.”

Today, Christine Jones runs as fast as she can from those comments – and more love letters that she wrote to Christine Jones; however, there was nothing taken out of context from her blog posts. Christine Jones didn’t just like Hillary Clinton; Christine Jones LOVED Hillary Clinton, and her words back that up 100%. Keep in mind, too, that those comments came after the events at Benghazi, where Hillary Clinton’s lack of action and leadership cost four Americans their lives that night.

Christine Jones runs for office today as a Republican, but in all reality, she should change her party registration to run as a Democrat. No true Republican should have such a glowing perspective of a failed and corrupt Secretary of State, and any Republicans who have their wits about them should never, ever support someone like Jones.

On August 30th, Arizonans will have another chance to deliver another stirring rebuke and message to Christine Jones as she is running in the Republican primary to replace Congressman Matt Salmon in Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District. Matt Salmon is a prized conservative, who has stood against everything the Clinton machine has stood for. Under no circumstances should someone like Christine Jones be allowed to undo everything that Matt Salmon has done for his district and for his country.