Thursday, July 14, 2016

Christine Jones Hearts Hillary Clinton

It’s not just conservatives riled up these days about Hillary Clinton. Americans from every party and walk of life are incensed that the former Secretary of State got let off the hook by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for her wide array of email scandals at the Department of State. Anyone else would have been in jail for a fraction of what Hillary got away with.

Must be great to be a Clinton. A new generation of Americans were introduced to the corruption of the Clinton machine, while the old guard of Americans were reminded about how a Clinton in the White House during the 90s brought great shame and humiliation to the office of the President of the United States.

Though the post-Hillary Clinton SOS tenure has garnered the most attention and headlines, her time as Secretary of State was no picnic either. In fact, Hillary Clinton failed her department and her country on a number of occasions with her execution (or lack thereof) of policies from the administration and from her nearsighted, myopic, and ideological view of the world.

While Hillary was playing with mountains and mountains of failure, a wannabe politician named Christine Jones was inexplicably admiring her every move. On her blog, Jones once predicted that “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will continue to stand out as a capable and respected leader…”

Let that one sink in….

She then rated her prediction as “True” a year later, writing, “She has made her boss and her party look good with her tireless efforts to represent the U.S. abroad for the past four years. She will be a formidable force in the coming years.”

Today, Christine Jones runs as fast as she can from those comments – and more love letters that she wrote to Christine Jones; however, there was nothing taken out of context from her blog posts. Christine Jones didn’t just like Hillary Clinton; Christine Jones LOVED Hillary Clinton, and her words back that up 100%. Keep in mind, too, that those comments came after the events at Benghazi, where Hillary Clinton’s lack of action and leadership cost four Americans their lives that night.

Christine Jones runs for office today as a Republican, but in all reality, she should change her party registration to run as a Democrat. No true Republican should have such a glowing perspective of a failed and corrupt Secretary of State, and any Republicans who have their wits about them should never, ever support someone like Jones.

On August 30th, Arizonans will have another chance to deliver another stirring rebuke and message to Christine Jones as she is running in the Republican primary to replace Congressman Matt Salmon in Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District. Matt Salmon is a prized conservative, who has stood against everything the Clinton machine has stood for. Under no circumstances should someone like Christine Jones be allowed to undo everything that Matt Salmon has done for his district and for his country.

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